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A revolutionary concept for shrimp farming 蝦子養殖的革命性概念
Global Aquaculture Advocate 全球水產養殖協會
Aquamimicry : Technology has been met with success worldwide by balancing natural plankton.
Aquamimicry : 藉由平衡天然浮游生物的技術在世界各地成功地實現
The prevalence of numerous diseases that affect the shrimp and prawn aquaculture industry has promoted the development of various health management strategies. Some include greater biosecurity and sourcing of specific pathogen free animals, and in more extreme cases, using chemicals and antibiotics.
However, because of the nature of open pond aquaculture, where most farmed shrimp is produced globally, it is often not possible to farm animals in a bubble by completely eliminating the presence of all pathogens.
然而, 由於開放性池塘水產養殖的性質,大多數養殖蝦是全球性生產,因此往往不可能徹底消除所有病原體的存在而在隔離圈中飼養動物。
In fact, in traditional pond systems, the continual build-up of sediments and subsequent deterioration of water quality are known to encourage the growth of many pathogens including pathogenic Vibrios. Promoting microalgae growth can help maintain water quality, but this can sometimes be hard to manage, and these systems are prone to pH and dissolved oxygen fluctuations that can stress the animals.
在傳統的池塘系統中, 不斷積累沈積物和隨後的水質惡化,會促進包括致病性弧菌在內的許多病原體的增長。促進微藻的生長有助於維持水質,但這有時難以管理, 這類系統容易讓ph值和溶氧波動因而對於養殖生物造成緊迫。
Biofloc technology was introduced to tackle some of these issues. This is accomplished by the addition of extra carbon to the water, leading to the conversion of potentially harmful organic matter and sludge into consumable biomass. Such a process can eliminate or significantly reduce the need for water exchanges, and is thus more environmentally friendly while also offering greater biosecurity.
為解決其中一些問題,引進了biofloc技術。這是由於增加了額外碳源至水體中, 以致於將潛在性的有害有機物和淤泥轉化為可消耗性生物質。這樣的處理可以消除或顯著性減少水體交換的需要,因此對於環境更友善,同時也提供更大的生物安全性。
Biofloc technology has been met with success around the world; however, the operating costs can be significantly higher to maintain bioflocs in constant suspension. A potentially more balanced approach between using both microalgae and biofloc in aquaculture is known as Aquamimicry. In this article, I present a simple description of the protocol and implications for its use to assist farmers considering this concept, which I believe will become a widespread standard practice in the industry.
Biofloc技術在世界各地獲得成功案例,但業務費用也顯著地提升為了維持bioflocs不斷的懸浮於水體中。在水產養殖中使用微藻和biofloc之間的一種可能更平衡的方法是Aquamimicry。在這一文章中, 我簡單介紹其操作流程及其對幫助農民審示這一種概念的影響,我認為這概念將成為該行業普遍的標準做法。
Aquamimicry simulates natural conditions Aquamimicry模擬自然條件
Aquamimicry is a concept that strives to simulate natural estuarine conditions by creating zooplankton blooms (mainly copepods) as supplemental nutrition to the cultured shrimp and beneficial bacteria to maintain water quality. This is done by fermenting a carbon source, such as rice or wheat bran, with probiotics (like Bacillus sp.) and releasing their nutrients. This method is in some ways similar to biofloc technology, but there are some key differences.
Aquamimicry是一個概念,它藉由製造浮游性動物(主要是橈足類)來模擬自然河口條件,作為對養殖蝦類和有益細菌的補充營養,以保持水質。藉由益生菌probiotics(如芽孢桿菌)發酵碳源,例如大米或小麥麩,且釋放出養分。這種方法在某種程度上類似於biofloc技術, 但存在著一些關鍵性的差異.
Firstly, the amount of added carbon is reduced and not strictly reliant on ratios to nitrogen input. Secondly, rather than encouraging and suspending high amounts of bioflocs, sediments are removed in more intensive systems to be reused by other animals. 首先,添加的碳源量減少,並不嚴格的依據投入的氮量來決定使用比例。第二,不鼓勵和懸浮大量的bioflocs,在更密集的系統中去除沈積物,讓其他生物再利用。
Ideally, the water mimics the appearance and composition of natural estuarine water that includes microalgae and zooplankton. When such a balance is met, pH and dissolved oxygen fluctuations are minimized, and there is no need for antibiotics or chemicals because the rice bran provides nutrition for the zooplankton and bacteria (as a prebiotic) to create “synbiotics,” which are dietary supplements or ingredients that synergistically combine pre- and probiotics.
理想的情況是, 水體模仿包括微細藻類和浮游動物在內的天然河口水的表現和組成。當達到這種平衡時,pH值和溶氧波動將最小化,並不需要抗生素或化學物,因為米糠為浮游動物和細菌提供營養(作為益菌生(prebiotic)),以創造" synbiotics" 環境,食物的供給與成份混合一起,益菌物質與益生菌的結合。
The initial idea towards the development of this protocol occurred in Thailand during the disease outbreaks in the 1990s. At that time, it was noticed that in some extensive shrimp ponds the shrimp were growing well and disease-free, despite being in close proximity to infected ponds. No formulated aquafeeds were used, as the farmers had limited resources. Instead, only rice bran was used and it was thought to be a potential reason for the better performance in extensive ponds. Over time, and after extensive trial and errors, a protocol slowly developed.
在1990年代的疾病爆發期間,泰國出現了制定該操作流程的初步想法。當時,人們注意到,在一些粗放的蝦池中,蝦子的生長狀況良好,沒有疾病,儘管與被感染的池塘距離很近。由於農民的資源有限,因此沒有採用制式的水產飼料。取而代之的,只使用米麩,它被認為是在粗放池塘中因此有較好的表現的一個潛在的原因。隨著時間的推移,經過廣泛的試驗和錯誤, 一項操作流程緩慢發展出來。
When this concept was first introduced outside Thailand, many farmers decided to first try this concept in their worst performing ponds. This was sometimes seen as a last chance attempt before switching to fish farming or getting out of the aquaculture industry altogether. However, within the first batch, pond production costs were reduced by half, and the practice significantly expanded to more ponds. Currently, some form of this concept is being adopted in various countries including Vietnam, China, India, Ecuador, Korea and Egypt. As with any farm, there are some variations to the protocol depending on available resources and the farmer’s experience.
當這一概念首次在泰國境外提出時,許多農民決定一開始先在最差表現的池塘中嘗試這一概念。這有時被看作是轉向魚類養殖或完全放棄水產養殖業之前的最後一次嘗試機會。然而,在第一批中, 池塘的生產成本減少了一半,這一做法大大擴展到更多的池塘。目前,在包括越南, 中國,印度,厄瓜多,韓國和埃及在內的各國正在接受這概念的某種形式。與任何農場一樣,根據現有資源和農民的經驗,會對此操作流程有某些不同的變化。
The success of this approach includes decreasing the feed conversion ratio, minimizing water exchanges and eliminating disease. A variety of factors are believed to contribute, such as a better overall nutrition of the animal, reducing stress associated with fluctuating water quality, and minimizing environmental conditions favorable to pathogens.
Pond preparation池塘準備
Using a filter bag (200-300 μm), the pond is filled up to a depth of 80-100 cm, probiotics (Bacillus sp.) added, and the pond is chain-dragged for seven days. If lined ponds are used, heavy ropes should be used instead to prevent tearing the liner. Gentle dragging is done to enhance soil mixing with the probiotics and to minimize the development of biofilms that could potentially be toxic to the shrimp.
使用過濾袋(200-300 ㎛), 池塘放水80-100公分深,益生菌(Bacillus sp)佈菌, 使用鏈條拖行攪動池塘七天。如果使用地膜池,應使用重型繩索來防止破壞地工膜。 緩慢的拖行攪動是為了加強土壤與益菌的混合,並盡量減少可能對蝦子有毒的生物膜(biofilms)的生長。
To eliminate any small fish or eggs, teaseed cake (at 20 ppm) is applied along with fermented rice bran or wheat bran (without the husk) at 50-100 ppm. More additions result in more copepod blooms, which should happen within two weeks. In the meantime, full aeration is necessary for proper mixing, to reduce teaseed cake levels, and to mix the nutrients and probiotics in the pond.
為了消除任何小魚或蛋,茶粕(20 ppm)與發酵的米麩或小麥麩(去麩皮)50-100 ppm一起應用。額外的增加會讓橈足類更多,這將在兩周內發生。同時,需要充分的通氣以進行適當混合,減少茶粕的量,並混合池塘裡的養分和益菌。
Carbon source preparation and use 碳源的編制和使用
A complex carbon source, such as rice or wheat bran (without husk), is mixed with water (1:5-10 ratio) and probiotics under aeration for 24 hours. If the bran is finely powdered, the entire mixture is added slowly to the pond. If crumbled, the upper “milk” or “juice” is added to the pond and the bran solids are fed to fish in the biofilter pond. The pH of the incubation water should be between 6-7 and adjusted if necessary.
一個複雜的碳源, 如米麩或小麥麩(無麩皮),與水混合(比例約1:5-10)及加入益生菌,打氣24小時。如果麩質是精細粉狀,整個混合物是緩慢地加入池塘。 如果是粗粒,上面的"牛奶"或"果汁"加入到池塘里,米糠固體可以餵食在biofilter池塘里的魚。培育水體的pH值應介於6-7之間,必要時加以調整。
Once the shrimp are stocked, which can be at densities of 30-100 animals/square meter, the amount of fermented bran to be added is dependent on both the system and the turbidity level. As a general guideline, 1 ppm is recommended for extensive systems, while for intensive systems, 2-4 ppm is used. The ideal turbidity (using a Secchi disk) should be around 30-40 cm. If higher, less bran should be added and vice versa.
一旦蝦子投養,密度為30-100隻/平方米,而發酵麩的數量取決於系統和濁度的水平。作為一般准則,建議採用1 ppm在粗放式系統,而用於高密度系統的則使用2-4 ppm。理想的濁度(使用Secchi disk)應該在30-40公分左右。如果濁度再高一點,就應該減少使用,反之亦然。
During the growout period, additional probiotics should be added each month to help maintain water quality and to promote the formation of biocolloids (flocs composed of detritus, zooplankton, bacteria, etc.). Following 15 days after pond stocking with shrimp, slowly dragging chains or ropes on the pond bottom (but not over the central drain) is encouraged to minimize the formation of biofilms.
在養育期間,每月應增加額外的益生菌,以幫助保持水質,並促進形成biocolloids(flocs, 浮游動物,細菌等)。 在池塘放蝦後15天內,在池塘底部緩慢拖曳鏈子或繩子(但不越過中排管),以盡量減少生物膜的形成。
For extensive systems, there is generally no need for further water quality management or action. For intensive systems, however, there is a need to remove excessive sediments (e.g., through a central drain) to a sedimentation pond two hours after each feeding. Regardless of the system type, the pH is reportedly stable throughout.
對於粗放式系統而言,一般都不需要進一步的水質管理或行動。然而,對於密集式系統來說,有必要在每次進食兩個小時後,將過多的沈積物(例如, 通過中央排污管)移至沈澱池。不管系統類型如何,據報告指出pH值依然是穩定的。
Sedimentation and biofilter ponds沈積與biofilter池
The sedimentation pond should be deeper (up to 4-m in the center and 2-m on the edges) than the growout pond to allow sediment accumulation. In it, bottom-dwelling fish species – such as catfish or milkfish, depending on the water salinity – should be stocked at low densities. Their feeding on and stirring up the detritus help clean the pond system, and the fish can provide food for farm workers.
The sediments from the growout pond encourages the production of worms and other benthic invertebrates that the fish can consume. Meanwhile, if ropes or lines are present, these are frequently and strongly colonized by horse mussels. Not only do these help by further filtering the pond water and removing suspended solids, but can later be crushed and fed to the shrimp during production.
After the sedimentation pond, the water overflows to another pond to increase the retention time and act as a biofilter. Fish like tilapia can be added at low densities. From here, water overflows back to the growout pond with little nitrogenous waste. Every three years, the sedimentation should be cleaned.
Currently the ratio of these ponds is 1:1 (treatment to growout ponds), which obviously requires relatively large areas of land in relation to production. However, trials are currently underway to substantially reduce this ratio by adjusting water flows, carbon inputs and different combinations of live organisms in the treatment ponds.
目前這些池塘的比例為1:1 (對養殖池的處理),這顯然需要相對較大的與生產有關土地面積。然而, 目前正在進行嘗試,通過調整水流,碳源投入和生物的不同組合,大幅度降低處理池的一比例。
After harvest收穫後
After harvesting, the pond bottoms reportedly have no smell, black soil or accumulated sediments, and the pond is therefore often ready to be prepared for the next production cycle by the addition of fermented bran and probiotics, as mentioned earlier. Farmers have stated that the shrimp have a deeper red color when cooked, which could be from the consumption of additional pigments from the natural food produced in the pond.
Although there is no information available yet, the omega-3 fatty acid content of the shrimp would likely be enhanced and would provide additional health benefits. This is of particular relevance, as the aquaculture industry is increasingly relying on land-produced aquafeed ingredients that can lead to lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the final products.
Two major drawbacks to the Aquamimicry approach include the potential difficulty of applying this concept to indoor conditions, as well as the use of relatively large treatment ponds. Within indoor raceway systems in Korea, the adoption of this concept reportedly gave better results when compared to a biofloc-based system. However, it became necessary to discharge excessive sediments, which were not reused again.
To deal with the issue of large treatment ponds, currently there are efforts being made to reduce this ratio with the growout ponds, but on more extensive systems no treatment ponds are necessary. As with any new aquaculture technology, farmers interested in this new protocol should first perform trial runs to determine whether this can be successfully applied to their particular circumstances.
Because reportedly better-quality shrimp can be produced at lower cost and in a more sustainable manner, the concept of Aquamimicry is rapidly spreading throughout the world. Some interpretation of the concept will undoubtedly become a new standard in shrimp farming and benefit future generations in the industry.
Author’s note:
Nicholas Romano, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer (Fish Physiology)
Aquaculture Department, Faculty of Aquaculture